Power of Purpose
In the Power of the Myth, Joseph Campbell said about understanding one's purpose, "The most heroic of all acts is having the courage to discover who you are and what you would like to be...to follow your bliss to the truth of your life."
Simply put, the Dashboard is a tool to track that you are on your life plan and access your Power of Purpose. Who are you? Where are you headed? How much time do you spend on your extraordinary uniqueness? The Dashboard creates a draft that pulls you in towards your purpose in life. I like to call it, “drafting.” The work done to build your personal Dashboard is about being more versus doing more.
Mastery, could be said is knowing that you are the best version of yourself in the moment. Most of us experience our growth and development in cycles. When I’ve asked executives and pro-athletes how often they are the best version of themselves, the response is at most 80% of the time. How often are you the best version of yourself? You can increase that percentage if you are tracking it.
In building your dashboard, we do some deep thinking that gets at your purpose in life. You may have a sense of it, but we articulate it in a powerful way that takes deep thinking to get at your life theme, life intentions, and core beliefs. Then we distill it down to powerful ways to access your purpose, in the moment, whether that’s a great or not so great moment.
Based on personality type, we provide a way to monitor blind spots and stress escalators that can keep you from getting derailed.
The dashboard most of us are familiar with is in our cars. The dials and gauges indicate how the car is operating and if it needs something attended to, like an empty gas tank. The Dashboard does the same for your life plan. It helps build and maintain confidence. See things escalating that may cause a significant distraction or breakdown in your life, and provide more awareness to your blind spots and stressors. Like the car’s dashboard, once you have the awareness that the gas tank is near empty, you know what to attend to.
Cleo Franklin, EVP Mahindra
"I have known & worked with Fred for 6 years and my experience with his business acumen, innovative coaching abilities and leadership development capabilities have been tremendous. He is more than a coach and business consultant (of which he is excellent in each of these roles), as what he does focuses solely on providing you with an end-result that you can qualify and quantify definitively. I personally worked (and still to this day) with Fred and have benefited from his holistic approach more so than any other executive coaches I’ve worked with. Fred takes theory, concepts, and best practices along with proven platforms to develop a customized framework that ties together around what matters most, based on your pursuits and along with your strengths. The impressive thing about what he delivers is the rigor in his design, but even more the applicability of the structure, because is can be used and applied across any stage of your career. Lastly, what impresses me most about Fred is he is always accessible, approachable, and authentic & action oriented. I highly recommend Fred and honored to do so."
Brian Thomas, Assistant Head MICDS
"Fred has been the most transformational coach/figure in my life. His utilization of "the dashboard," my own handcrafted barometer of how I am doing each week, provides a window into the world that we get to create ourselves and with others. I found Fred when I was ready to make a significant leap in my own thinking and processing. What has changed since I started working with Fred? I have deepened my relationship to myself, my family, my work, but most importantly I feel connected to helping others achieve their own highest intentions and goals that they have set for themselves. Together, we can do anything."
Emily Kruger, Coach, Coaches Across Continents
"I've been calling Fred my "life coach', as he's guiding me to intentionally think about who I want to be and what I can do to be my best self every day. He's helped me put words to concepts and ideas about myself that I had previously been unaware of. He asks thought-provoking questions, listens to my scattered responses, and helps me piece it all together in concise, coherent points. As a former collegiate/professional athlete and a current coach, I find so much value in Fred's approach to setting goals for "being" not "doing" that truly sheds light on how I can excell in all aspects of life. Day-to-day I am more on track and aware of with my life purpose."
Steven Crandel, C Suite Executive
"I've know Fred for over 16 years. He has been instrumental in my career path during that time in many aspects. As a coach and mentor, Fred worked with me on my personal daschboard to help me hone in my focus both professionally and personally. It's becasue of him I can say I am successfull. Even when you think you know where your career is headed, utilizing the skills that come from working with Fred will clarify your path. Knowing your "why" is absolutely critical to that goal. Fred will help you know it! He can empower you toward your next steps."
Alysse Godino, Founder Saffron Money
Fred has been one of the most transformative influences in my circle of support. We started off going through the dashboard process, which profoundly impacted me and my way of thinking, beyond what I thought possible. Then the process evolved towards career and work in which Fred helped guide me to a career path where I have now found complete fulfillment - which, after working on Wall Street, I didn't think was possible for me to accomplish.
